Re: Attribute Architecture and completeness question

> Date: Thu, 8 May 2003 10:17:12 +1000
> From: Alan Kent <>
> I guess the first question is "is anyone moving towards the new
> attribute architecture or should I just ignore it?"  No criticism of
> the work, just wondering if its worth considering or I should just
> forget it.

I think you should very much use it when defining profiles for new
application areas -- to me, this seems a no-brainer.  Obvious examples
of where this has been done to good effect are the Zthes profile
( and the ZeeRex specifications (

The next case to consider is whether to use the AA for new profiles in
existing application areas -- geo-spatial, bibliographic, etc.  My
feeling (but here it really is just my opinion) is again: yes, the AA
is good, solid base for such work and should be used whenever
possible.  The problem is of course that when defining (say) a
bibliographic service, there will rightly be pressure to interoperate
with existing services -- and they will overwhelmingly be using BIB-1
rather than the AA, utility/cross-domain and BIB-2 sets.

There is some fear that BIB-2 may have missed the boat by coming along
slightly too late to get included in the Bath profile.  I'm not really
involved in that area of things, so I can't comment -- except to say
that I think it's a real shame if it's true.

> The validity of the attribute architecture in general I am uncertain
> of.  Several of the pages linked from the web site (marc attribute
> set and Bib-2 set) hosted at RLG are now broken links. All the
> documents are dated 1999 - however there were some comments inserted
> dated March 2003.  Is it dead or alive? Is there a separate mailing
> list? Or should I forget it and stick with the Bath 2.0 profile.

The links certainly need updating!

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