Re: Betr.: Re: requesting XML records

> Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 18:05:56 +0100
> From: "Theo van Veen" <>
> >We will need either (A) a central registry for schema-like XML
> >element-set names, or (B) as with clasic Z39.50 practice, an
> >understanding that all element-set names other than a tiny
> >hardwired set ("B" and "F") are undefined except in the context of
> >a profile.  I don't think the latter is what Theo wants at all,
> >since (as I understand his requirement) he wants to cross-search
> >targets that do not adhere to his profile, if he even has one.
> >(Right, Theo?)
> Right. But to add some level of complexity: I do not mind having
> names for brief and full DCX for example as long as it remains clear
> that it is DCX. If different servers put different terms in brief
> DCX I don't mind for the simple reason that what people put in there
> will for 90% be something that I understand and the other 10% I just
> ignore.

But unless there's a registry (or profiling), there's no guarantee
that my server agrees with your client that DCX is "Dublin Core,
Extended".  It might just as well be "Deep Custard, X-rated".

 _/|_	 _______________________________________________________________
/o ) \/  Mike Taylor  <>
)_v__/\  "In JP III, scientists recreate the actual dino killer
	 meteorite from glassy fragments found near somewhere difficult
	 to spell in South America - evil bad people launch the meteor
	 into space and disaster ensues" - Derek Tearne

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Received on Friday, 28 March 2003 12:27:01 UTC