Re: Model question

>In Z39.50 we already have all the tools we need to do this sort of thing.
>Define an attribute set for searching, use some sort of elementSpec for 
>retrieval.  Easy.

That's not a generic application of query to element.. Its just "partial
record" extraction.. In a database I can ask for all the records spoken my
hamlet with the term love and hate in them.. and we can, as I've pointed out,
get the stanzes (the parent bits).. but this is, I think, quite different
from applying queries to singlets.. we can of course do it with some record
specification in our query with the refinement pasted on..

Edward C. Zimmermann, Basis Systeme netzwerk, Munich
53;GR=2;PRINTER_FRIENDLY=TRUE">Leopoldstrasse 53-55, D-80802 Munich, Federal 
Republic of Germany</A>
Telephone:   Voice:= +49 (89) 385-47074  Fax:= +49 (89)  692-8150
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Received on Monday, 28 July 2003 11:35:27 UTC