Re: Proposal: Registration of object identifiers for MARC format types

Mike Taylor wrote:

> I take your point.  Then maybe instead we should use
>         1.2.840.10003.5.x.1000.y.z
> Where x is the base record-syntax (DANMARC, XML, whatever), y is the
> Z39.50 Implementor Id (from the register, e.g. 81=Index Data) and z is
> for the implementor to choose.

Then we'd have to require that someone be a registered implementor in order
to register marc format types.  I don't know if we want to require that.  I
suppose you could make a case for that since we limit private oid
registration to registered implementors.  But I think these are different.
These are not private formats, they just don't fit the rigid pattern that we
established and can't be slotted easily into the oid structure.

Received on Friday, 25 October 2002 16:32:52 UTC