Re: Version 1.0 of SRW and CQL

At 02:01 PM 11/25/2002 -0500, Ray Denenberg wrote:

>The ZING Initiative (Z39.50 International Next
>Generation), under the auspices of the Z39.50
>Maintenance Agency at the Library of Congress, is
>pleased to announce Version 1.0 of SRW and CQL.

I believe the z39.50/GILS, z39.50/Geographic, and z39.50/Biological
profile communities are using Sebastian's PQN syntax as the query
format for Z39.50 URL's and for Web Services, including UDDI. PQN,
also known as PQF
is also the syntax used in the Microsoft-oriented ZX and ZBigServer
products Dave Vieglais now has placed into the public domain, and
I see that ZOOM supports PQN/PQF too.

It appears to me that CQL does not support the large set of numeric
Use Attributes needed for Geo (or STAS), nor the set of Relation
Attributes needed for Geo. Wishing to avoid fragmenting of the Z39.50
community, is it possible to reconcile the ZING work with the need
for support of PQN in the query syntax?


Eliot Christian  1-703-648-7245 FAX 1-703-648-7112
US Geological Survey, 802 National Center, Reston VA 20192

Received on Friday, 29 November 2002 05:50:50 UTC