RE: character encoding assumptions and approaches

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ray Denenberg []
> No. The current thread of this discussion focuses on marc 
> records, and they go
> as external.  The agreement we're discussing is that if utf-8 
> is negotiated, and
> if a server has a record to transfer that is or includes  text (i.e.
> characters), and if the utf-8 negotiated has not been 
> overiden for that record,
> then the server will transfer it in utf-8.

I disagree with the basic premise here.  I like the blunt statement that has
been made before that records are EXTERNAL to the standard and that our
single bit negotiation does NOT apply to them.

If you want MARC sent as UTF-8, you'll need another mechanism to specify
that.  I am prepared to accept that our single-bit negotiation applies to
SUTRS and GRS-1 records, but am not willing to go any further than that.

By the way, I am not persuaded by the earlier argument that a MARC record
contained in a GRS-1 record could somehow inherit the characterset
negotiation of the GRS-1 record.  Someone pointed out that JPEG records
would not be affected by the UTF-8 negotiation.  I further add that a JPEG
record contained in a UTF-8 GRS-1 record would not be affected either.  So,
how do we make the jump that a MARC record would be affected?


Received on Wednesday, 6 March 2002 13:42:26 UTC