RE: native encoding

Sometime ago I suggested that we should consider registering an OID for
ONIX. The general response was that we already had an OID for XML and
that as ONIX was an XML document we should use that OID. The particular
schema could be specified using compSpec schema - rather than register
an OID for any XML schema

At the time this seems at logger-heads with the way that MARC was
handled in that we have an OID for every MARC flavour out there.
Strictly speaking ISO2709 (if I've got the number correct) is the record
syntax whereas MARC21 vs UKMARC vs UNIMARC etc. are just "schemas" of
the same syntax. The general consensus was that if we were starting
again we'd probably distinguish between these.

However, this seems to be going the other way - we have three distinct
concepts the record syntax/structure (MARC, XML, GRS.1), the record
schema (MARC21/UKMARC, XML Schema, TagSet) and the character encoding -
are we really going to suggest a distinct OID for every combination? Do
we have enough OID's?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Johan Zeeman [] 
> Sent: 01 March 2002 18:15
> To: ZIG Mailing List (E-mail)
> Subject: Re: native encoding
> I agree that this is likely to prove the most economical solution.
> j.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "LeVan,Ralph" <>
> Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 11:01 AM
> > I understand that this is the case.  But, I would prefer a 
> new OID for
> UTF-8
> > encoded MARC21
> >

Received on Monday, 4 March 2002 12:24:47 UTC