Re: Replying to the list

Alan Kent wrote:

> > This is a bit of an Old Chestnut.  There are a lot of reasons why it's
> > generally Good Behaviour for lists _not_ to set their Reply-To:
> > address to be the whole list, but leave it as the originator of the
> > original message.  They are neatly summarised at
> >
> > among other places.
> I know of this page, but must admit I disagree with much of the basic
> premise.

I've been on two email lists were the reply-to field was set
to point back to the list address so causing an email loop.
The first was due to some ISP bouncing undeliverable emails
back to the list, the second was by someone setting up an
out-of-office reply that replied back to the list every time
it got an email from the list. Both times the email loop
resulted in all the list members being flooded out with
hundreds of emails. Reply-to set to list address is harmful.


Ashley Sanders                      
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Received on Monday, 4 March 2002 03:59:54 UTC