Announcing ZMARCO 0.1 (Z39.50, MARC record, OAI data provider)

Hi all,

We have just made a beta release of ZMARCO, our Z39.50, MARC record, OAI
data provider. It is available from SourceForge at -- from this page refer to the README for

ZMARCO is an Open Archive Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting
(OAI-PMH) 2.0 compliant data provider. The 'Z' in ZMARCO stands for Z39.50;
'MARC' stands for MAchine-Readable Cataloging; and the 'O' stands for OAI,
as in the Open Archives Inititive. Essentially ZMARCO allows MARC records
which are already available through a Z39.50 server to relatively easily be
made available via the OAI-PMH.  Among the supported metadata formats are
Dublin Core, MARCXML, and MODS.

We have currently only tested ZMARCO using a subset (about 3,000,000
records) from the University of Illinois' online library catalog, and it
works OK (at least with only us harvesting it).  If anyone tries it with
other Z39.50 servers, please let us know how it works.

From the README file:

Platform and Environment
  Windows 2000 
  Internet Information Server 5 (IIS 5) 
  Active Server Pages (ASP) 
  Accessible Z39.50 Server supporting the following features: 
    USmarc Record Syntax (may be extended to support other MARC syntaxes
      in the future) 
    Bib-1 Use Attribute 31, Publication Date (Year)
    Bib-1 Use Attribute 12, Control Number 
    No limit on the number search hits available for one query 

Kind Regards,
Thomas Habing
Research Programmer, Digital Library Projects
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
155 Grainger Engineering Library Information Center, MC-274, (217) 244-4425

Received on Tuesday, 2 July 2002 11:13:54 UTC