RE: Z39.50 character encoding

Most MARC formats do NOT specify a character set.  Does DC?  I have at least 
not seen it, but perhaps it is implisit?


===== Original Message from Ray Denenberg <> at 27.02.02 19:12
>Mike Taylor wrote:
>> Some kinds of object (e.g. USMARC) specify a character set, and
>> others (GRS-1) do not.  Those which do, we must respect.
>True, some do and some don't.
>Two questions we need to answer before we go much further (and I think we
>need help from the experts on these):
>(1) Is is clear exactly which do and which don't?
>(2) For those which "do", is it always the case that these will be
>transfered according to the native character encoding or is it likely that
>clients will want  records in utf-8, even in the case where the format
>specifies a native encoding?
>And I think (1) is the more important question. We can address (2) later.
>In other words for any given format, is it always implicitly known to both
>parties (client and server) whether or not the format comes with a native
>encoding.  If so then our problem is simplified. But if not, then I'm afraid
>Mike's philosophy "Those which do, we must respect" isn't going to work in
===== Comments by (Liv Aasa Holm) at 28.02.02 07:58

Liv A. Holm
associate professor
Oslo University college
faculty of journalism, library and information science
tel. +47-22-45-27-77

Received on Thursday, 28 February 2002 01:59:59 UTC