Australian Z39.50 sites mailing list?


This might be a bit of a long shot, but does anyone know of
a mailing list of Australian Z39.50 sites? I was playing around
trying to do some interoperability testing, and I thought I
would try some publically available sites. I did not want to
take on the world, so I thought I would try sites local to
myself here in Australia (less network delays too).
I am having some fun (I am doing this in my evenings - its
not official!). If others are interested or have suggestions
have a look at

I am adding to it all the time.

I should immediately state that I am a vendor, so there is no
claim that these results are unbiased! Our test server, for example,
seems to be the only one that passed all the tests!  :-) :-) :-)

I was curious about the state of Z39.50 servers here in Australia.
This is not going to be state of the art in terms of what vendors
supply in their current releases, but rather what is state of the
art is in terms of what Australian sites support today.

Such interoperability tests always seem to stir up a bit of interest!
I got the current list from the National Library of Australia web
site, but I have been told the list is out of date (and work is
underway to get it up to date again).

Anyway, back to my initial query. If there was an Australian mailing
list around that I did not know about, I would love to hear of it.
Maybe no such (unmoderated) list exists because libraries don't want
to get junk mail from vendors like me.

Alan Kent (,
Postal: Multimedia Database Systems, RMIT, GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne 3001.
Where: RMIT MDS, Bld 91, Level 3, 110 Victoria St, Carlton 3053, VIC Australia.
Phone: +61 3 9925 4114  Reception: +61 3 9925 4099  Fax: +61 3 9925 4098 

Received on Monday, 18 February 2002 04:47:17 UTC