RE: ZING : Implementing SRW

On Fri, 26 Apr 2002, Alison Stevenson wrote:

> > Could you go into some more detail about this?  How would one
> > define a
> > query using a URL?
> In the ARTISTE system all query items are described by RDF schemas, either published by external standards bodies (e.g. the Dublin Core schema at or written as part of ARTISTE (e.g. the Artiste Core  at Each metadata attribute therefore has a URI
> 	e.g.
> Queries are composed using the metadata RDF URIs, and subsequently
> translated to SQL at each site using a mapping which relates these
> metadata RDF URIs to individual database table and field names.

This is interesting.

Are you intending to return triples from a triple store, or these items to
be serialized before returning them?


Received on Monday, 29 April 2002 03:48:12 UTC