Retrieving with XML

At 11:26 22-04-2002 +0100, Matthew Dovey wrote:

>I think my view (and this was something we investigated in some of the
>precursor work for SRW) would be that specifying an XSLT as an e-spec
>would be a better proposal that just specifying a list of XPATHs. This
>would also have the advantage of have toolkits available for XSLT
>transforms that could plug in.

Yes.. having thought about it some more, I definitely agree. XSLT is what 
we need for Espec'ing.

Will we need to limit some of the esoteric functionality, like loading 
external stylesheets and documents? Is there a notion of a security sandbox 
for XSLT?

Sebastian Hammer, Index Data <>
Ph: +45 3341 0100, Fax: +45 3341 0101

Received on Monday, 22 April 2002 06:33:40 UTC