- From: Poul Henrik Jørgensen <PHJ@Portia.dk>
- Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2001 01:20:58 +0200
- To: "Ray Denenberg (E-mail)" <rden@loc.gov>
- Cc: "ZIG Listserver (E-mail)" <www-zig@w3.org>, "DanZIG list (E-mail)" <danzig@list.bibnet.dk>
The ZIG XML Holdings Schema v7 has been updated to more accurately reflect attribute enumerations etc. as specified in Holdings Abstract Schema. I have also prepared derived XML Schemas corresponding to those two Abstract Schema Element Sets (B-1 and B-2), which are referenced in the ONE-2 Profile. Links to the schemas etc, are found at the "usual" location, which is referenced from the Z39.50 Maintenance Agency Web: http://lcweb.loc.gov/z3950/agency/defns/holdings.html http://www.portia.dk/zholdings/ By reference to the Element Set XML Schemas it is possible to validate instances of B-1 and B-2 Holdings XML Structures. Perhaps these Element Set XML Schemas can serve as templates for specification of other Element Sets derived from the Base XML Holdings Schema. Best regards, Poul Henrik Jørgensen, DBC
Received on Saturday, 29 September 2001 19:21:53 UTC