- Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 19:53:09 +0200
- To: "'hahaha@sexyfun.net'" <hahaha@sexyfun.net>, VirusAlert <VirusAlert@IZUM.SI>, "'www-zig@w3.org'" <www-zig@w3.org>
Sistem protivirusne zaščite je v sporočilu "Snowhite and the Seven Dwarfs - The REAL story!" zaznal datoteko joke.exe okuženo z W32/Hybris@m (Norman,Sophos) virusom/črvom. Sporočilo, "Snowhite and the Seven Dwarfs - The REAL story!", je bilo poslano z naslova Hahaha (hahaha@sexyfun.net) na naslov www-zig@w3.org. Okužena datoteka je bila pobrisana. Sporočilo ni bilo dostavljeno naslovniku. Za vsa nadaljna pojasnila se obrnete na virusalert@izum.si ! ............................................................................ ................ System found joke.exe infected with W32/Hybris@m (Norman,Sophos) virus/worm in message send from Hahaha hahaha@sexyfun.net. The file is currently Purged. The message, "Snowhite and the Seven Dwarfs - The REAL story!", was not delivered. If you need additional assistance please contact virusalert@izum.si.
Received on Monday, 24 September 2001 13:52:34 UTC