RE: FW: AGAIN: New draft of Z39.50 Bib-2 Attribute Set now avail able

Hi Ashley, 

As it stands at the moment, you won't have the right to search specifically
for works about Victor Davies the composer, as we haven't specified the use
of "relator" list  in any qualifiers for subjects.

I noted, when following up on your question, that the MARC21 600 field
(Subject Added Entry--Personal Name), does include a subfield for Relator
(which is where this information is stored).  However, I'm not clear on how
it would be applied.  MARC 21  doesn't provide any examples for names used
at subjects that include data in the relator subfield.   And the information
is not supplied by the national bibliographic agencies in Canada and the
U.S., either for names or for subjects.  So in most cases, this information
will not be there in databases to be searched.  

For bibliographic databases rich in music materials, developers possibly
could instruct the server to execute such as search by looking for the term
in the MARC field 1XX  when the classification of the item is "M" or the
item is held in a specific collection of music materials.

But a better search strategy to retrieve works about Victor Davies would be
to search for two subjects, "Victor Davies" and "Composer" or
"Composer--Biography"  I think that the query would look something like

   To search for a biography about the composer, Victor Davies
       Access point [Cross Domain Set] = Subject
       Comparison [Utility Set] = Equals
       Content Authority = Canadiana Authorities
       Format/Structure = inverted order name
       Functional Qualifier = personal
       Semantic Qualifier = complete subject term
       Term = Davies, Victor
       Access point [Cross Domain Set] = Subject
       Comparison [Utility Set] = Equals
       Content Authority  = LCSH
       Functional Qualifier = topical
       Semantic Qualifier = main subject term
       Term = Composer
	AND (optionally)
       Access point [Cross Domain Set] = Subject
       Comparison [Utility Set] = Equals
       Content Authority  = LCSH
       Functional Qualifier = topical
       Semantic Qualifier = subdivision
       Term = Biography

You may be wondering why we included the relator information in the
attribute set.   That's one of the questions that we struggled when working
on it over the past year  The attribute set is all inclusive, and provides a
wide range of possibilities within the new attribute architecture for
structuring queries  for bibliographic information.  But, in the end, it
will be the profiles that specify which queries are to be supported within a
specific community.

Hope this helps,

Barbara Shuh
Library Network Specialist
National Library of Canada
Phone:  (819) 994-6969  Fax:  (819) 994-6835

-----Original Message-----
From: Ashley Sanders []
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 9:08 AM
To: Shuh Barbara
Subject: Re: FW: AGAIN: New draft of Z39.50 Bib-2 Attribute Set now


> Mike is right. 

Yes I understand what Mike says. I was concentrating too much on the
Semantic Qualifier.

I wrote:
>   To search for a composition composed by Victor Davies
>       Access point [Cross Domain Set] = Name
>       Comparison [Utility Set] = Equals
>       Format/Structure = inverted order name
>       Functional Qualifier = cmp
>       Semantic Qualifier = personal
>       Term = Davies, Victor

You wrote:
> To retrieve works "about" Victor Davies, the composer, the
> access point would be Subject, not Name.  

Yes again, but for a Subject search (if I've read
things right) the Functional Qualifier would become
personal (moved over from the Semantic Qualifier) and
the Semantic Qualifier would be something else, perhaps
either complete subject term, or main subject term.

I'm not sure it's possible to specify a search for Victor
Davis the composer?

Do I have that right.



Ashley Sanders                      
COPAC: A public bibliographic database from MIMAS, funded by JISC

Received on Thursday, 20 September 2001 10:20:57 UTC