- From: <peterson@amigos.org>
- Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 16:52:11 -0500
- To: www-zig@w3.org
- Cc: bailey_b@cde.state.co.us, c-meye@umn.edu, carrol.lunau@nlc-bnc.ca, dietzd@oclc.org, egf@psu.edu, E.Riding@epixtech.com, ibray@library.ca.gov, iddings@pitt.edu, ldavidson@iii.com, matt.goldner@fdgroup.com, miko.pattie@mail.state.ky.us, mjohnson@flg.follett.com, mneedleman@dra.com, mwilson@tlcdelivers.com, phil_williams@oit.peachnet.edu, randall2@uiuc.edu, saint@blueangeltech.com, slavko@morgan.ucs.mun.ca, z3950-tx@link.tsl.state.tx.us
The Texas Z39.50 Implementors Group (TZIG) would like to ask the ZIG to approve a new Bib-1 Use Attribute -- Government Document Source Code: http://lcweb.loc.gov/z3950/agency/defns/bib1.html#111 We would like to create a search for government document numbers, which requires both use attribute 50 (government document number) and the government document source code. In Texas, for example, the government document number in the MARC record looks like this: 086 |aL1900.3 IN3AN|2txdocs The 086 $a would be mapped to use attribute 50 and 086 $b would be mapped to the proposed use attribute. The government document number would be searched by using the boolean operator AND between these two use attributes. Another way to do this would be to map both the 086 $a and 086 $b to use attribute 50. Although this would work, in the long run, I think we would be better served by keeping these two pieces of information separate. One of the issues the NISO AV committee has been dealing with is the definitions of specific attributes. What I learned through this process is that the more we define unique terms, the easier the profile is to implement. So, instead of using existing attributes, I am asking that a new use attribute be created. I will not be able to attend the next ZIG, meeting, so please let me know if you have questions. Thanks for your time. Christine Peterson Library Liaison Officer, Amigos Library Services 14400 Midway Road, Dallas, TX 75244-3509 800/843-8482 x191 (message only) 512/671-1580 (phone and fax) EMAIL: peterson@amigos.org
Received on Tuesday, 18 September 2001 17:57:53 UTC