Re: Sort criteria in Search Request

Rob wrote:

> In the Init response, they claim to support Sort. However as far as I can
> tell, they accept the search PDU, but can't process it and return a sort
> failure.  And this is for something as simple as sorting by the single
> attribute that was used in the search.

Ah, so you do mean us. Not a lot I can do right now I'm afraid. I
can't change the API we use and I have, as yet, no way of
intercepting the PDUs to see what might be happening. The only
origins I have that support sort are made using the same API and
they work fine of course.

I'd be grateful if any ziggers with an origin that can do Sort
Requests would try it against our database and let me know if it
works okay and which API their origin uses. Our target is at:

Port: 2100
Database name: COPAC
Record syntax: GRS-1 or SUTRS (no MARC I'm afraid, but if you
don't ask for any records this shouldn't be a problem.)

A sort on title (Use attr 4) should be okay.

Thanks in advance,


Ashley Sanders                      
COPAC: A public bibliographic database from MIMAS, funded by JISC

Received on Tuesday, 18 September 2001 06:47:07 UTC