Sample Bib-1 record

I'm a consultant working with Congressional Quarterly Press and we'd
like to be able to make our titles available via Z39.50.  The files are
in XML with locally created DTD's.  The current plan is to hire a
programmer to write a parser to convert the XML files to a GRS or other
acceptable data type.  I've got the Bib-1 syntax, but don't know how
it's supposed to look in the record.

Does anyone have sample they'd be willing to share?  Or know where I can
find one?

I've got a GRS record from LoC's MARC-SGML program, but I don't
understand its layout.  It doesn't clearly map to Bib-1.

And, if anyone knows of any vendors that might be able to work with us
on this, that would also be much appreciated!


Julie Walko
CQ Press

Received on Thursday, 18 October 2001 09:51:37 UTC