Re: Z39.50 diagnostics in Init response

Rob Bull wrote:

> I would reiterate my previous thoughts that it remains in the text as
> reference only but is worded strongly to say it is should not be used -
> that way we dont have to start dealing with code issues in toolkits and
> applications and possible customer support.

I'm certainly willing to not depricate it, however putting it in the text of the
revision is inconsistent with the approach that we're trying to take for the new
version. The bib-1 attribute set, for example, won't be included. We'll continue
to maintain the definition, as well as a pointer from the OID page, in the
official registry. This should be sufficient to avoid the need to deal with code
issues in toolkits.


Ray Denenberg
Library of Congress

Received on Wednesday, 23 May 2001 09:50:18 UTC