Re: Z39.50 diagnostics in Init response


there is a somewhat serious implication here concerning those who produce

For example, in our cases, the Diag 1 is supported by our toolkits, and if
it is now depricated then we will probably have to release another version
of the toolkit to cater for that fact - or, worse still, introduce logic
in the toolkit that says something like :

- if post 2001, then dont support this else do support it.

I would rather see something in the standard that says something like:

"look folks, those in the good old days came up with this idea of detailed
diagnostics but to date this is not implemented to any great detail that
we know of, and we would really rather you didnt use it. However, if by
chance you do see this then at least your application shouldnt just die
when it tried to decode it".


 Rob Bull         Crossnet Systems Limited
 tel +44 (0) 1635 522912             Unit 41 Bone Lane, Newbury 
 fax +44 (0) 1635 522913             Berkshire, RG14 5SH, United Kingdom

Received on Tuesday, 22 May 2001 12:15:46 UTC