Re: daily digest

On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, Ray Denenberg wrote:
> Dan Brickley wrote:
> > ps. a couple of folks have asked about the possibility of having a daily
> > digest version of the list available. Right now it seems
> > ( that this isn't a feature we have
> > configured for more than a couple of lists, though I'll pass on the
> > request to the systems team.
> Dan -- Personally I wouldn't want to request that W3C making any  special effort
> to do this; this list isn't very busy. --Ray

I'll mention it to them as any solution for the www-zig list would be via
a general solution for the various other lists we host, e.g. -- some of which are pretty high

FWIW I've also been playing about with a screenscraped XML/RSS newsfeed
derrived from a listing of recent messages, eg:

Idea is that RSS aggregators (eg. see [1]) could use these along with
other metadata / digital library RSS feeds to make a little "what's up
with the digital library crowd" portal. Sadly my quick lashup isn't ideal,
and I'm rambling offtopic rapidly... :-)



Received on Tuesday, 21 November 2000 14:37:15 UTC