Re: Explain discussion question

On Tue, Nov 14, 2000 at 03:10:55PM +1100, Alan Kent wrote:
> We use Explain. We found only a small percentage of what is in Explain
> useful,  ...

agreed - could probably be said of all Z39.50; note however I think EXPLAIN is
interesting.  A z39.50 server could put out information that it has no idea
why anyone would want but a client that the server wants to support uses
that information for incredibly impressive stuff...

> However, migrating to a new Explain structure is not a small effort. ...

Very much agree - I still haven't fully recovered from the last rewrite...

> ps: I would be happy to submit the extended explain categories we
> have developed for private use. They are not perfect, but might be
> useful as a starting point of requirements beyond what Explain
> does now. Or I can knock up text describing the requirements we
> are trying to achieve as distinct from the way we have implemented them.

I agree with Ray - a description of the requirements would be greatly

  Actually - not sure I have the energy - but if all EXPLAIN users posted their
requirements and we consolodated them that might help at the meeting...
I will try to post mine...

Robert K. Waldstein                Email:
Bell Laboratories, Room 3D-591     Phone: (908) 582-6171
600 Mountain Avenue
Murray Hill, New Jersey  07974

Received on Tuesday, 14 November 2000 14:02:02 UTC