RE: NISO ballot: Dublin Core Metadata


The NISO Ballot is intended to be very close to "DC-Classic" indeed.  The
evolution of the DC initiative includes a strategy for standardizing what we
are doing in an incremental standard.  So, DC-Classic, or the Dublin Core
Metadata Element Set Version 1.1, is the recommendation
brought forth by the DC community.  Promoting its adoption requires, in
part, attracting the imprimatur of standards agencies, and the two for which
DC is currently a work item are CEN, in Europe, and NISO here in the US.

I hope you might also have seen the announcement yesterday of the formal
recommendation on DC-Qualifiers  (link at the top of the DC home page
( )

I hope this helps clarify the situation



Stu Weibel
Sr. Research Scientist
OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Taylor [] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2000 5:07 AM
Subject: Re: NISO ballot: Dublin Core Metadata

> Date:         Tue, 11 Jul 2000 13:43:21 -0400
> From: "John A. Kunze" <>
> A new draft of the Dublin Core Metdata Element Set (DCMES), based
> on version 1.1 of DCMES, is now available for comment by the general
> public as well as for ballot by NISO (US National Information
> Standards Organization) voting members.
> This NISO Draft Standard is available as a PDF file linked from

I've skimmed this; apart from the dense front matter, it appears
_very_ similar to the old DC definitions that we've been using for the
last few years.  Can anyone who's been following this effort briefly
summarise how its content differs from that of "Dublin Core Classic"?

        Mike Taylor <>

Received on Wednesday, 12 July 2000 09:51:23 UTC