Re: specifying fonts when latin and complex scripts are mixed together.

On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 6:20 AM, Glenn Adams <> wrote:

> Use fo:inline and explicitly specify font-family.

btw, both latin and CJK scripts are considered complex w.r.t. FO; what this
means is that the OpenType GDEF/GSUB/GPOS tables will be used if present in
the font

> On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 5:32 AM, harry <> wrote:
>> I have cases where latin characters are intermixed with complex script
>> characters e.g.:
>> 2015年12月
>> Here the 2015 needs to be "Arial" and the Chinese script in "SimSun".
>> This is a chinese language document. Is there a way I can tell the xsl-fo
>> processor to use Arial for latin characters when they appear within some
>> blocks ?
>> Right now it uses SimSun to render 2015 and 12.  I also have cases where
>> Abbreviations are in english (to be rendered in Times Roman) followed by
>> chinese characters (SimSun).
>> Ashok

Received on Wednesday, 11 January 2017 13:22:32 UTC