[Ann] focheck - Validate XSL-FO and Antenna House extensions in oXygen or standalone

Antenna House is pleased to announce the availability of 'focheck' as
an add-on oXygen framework for validating XSL-FO and Antenna House

'focheck' bundles a Relax NG schema and a Schematron grammar in an
oXygen framework for detailed validation of XSL-FO within oXygen XML
Editor.  You can, of course, also use the 'focheck' Relax NG and
Schematron outside of oXygen, either together or separately.

The Relax NG handles structural validation and the Schematron handles
the additional constraints that cannot be expressed in Relax NG. The
Schematron parses property value expressions using an XSLT-based
parser generated by the REx parser generator plus an XSLT library for
reducing the parse tree to XSL-FO datatypes.

'focheck' is available on GitHub at
https://github.com/AntennaHouse/focheck.  If you want to go straight
to installing it as an add-on, the Update Site URL to use is

'focheck' is a work in progress. It does not (yet) parse every XSL-FO
property or test every requirement in the XSL-FO spec.

Pull requests and new issues are welcome.

I will be talking about 'focheck' at XML London 2015 in June. [1]

'focheck' is open source licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.


Tony Graham.
Senior Architect
XML Division
Antenna House, Inc.
Skerries, Ireland

[1] http://xmllondon.com/programme#Tony-Graham

Received on Tuesday, 14 April 2015 17:12:20 UTC