Re: absolute font-size for fonts/margins/graphics

On Mon, Feb 08 2010 16:11:24 +0000, wrote:
> So I specify the page-width and height for a document as 8.5in by 11in.
> Now how would you specify:
> 1. fonts, margins/padding, content height (seems not naturally to specify those
> in subfractions of an in/cm)?
> All in an absolute; like pixels or points is fine (does it matter which one?
> since both are absolute I beleive)...

Use whatever you are most comfortable using.  Points are the most

Using pixels is not such a good idea.  The XSL 1.1 spec [1] says:

   Stylesheet authors should understand a pixel's actual size may vary
   from device to device:

    * stylesheets utilizing 'px' units may not produce consistent
      results across different implementations or different output
      devices from a single implementation

    * even if stylesheets are expressed entirely in 'px' units the
      results may vary on different devices


Tony Graham               
Director                                  W3C XSL FO SG Invited Expert
Menteith Consulting Ltd                               XML Guild member
XML, XSL and XSLT consulting, programming and training
Registered Office: 13 Kelly's Bay Beach, Skerries, Co. Dublin, Ireland
Registered in Ireland - No. 428599
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xmlroff XSL Formatter                     
xslide Emacs mode        
Unicode: A Primer                               urn:isbn:0-7645-4625-2


Received on Thursday, 11 February 2010 10:52:02 UTC