Re: Re: Table Manipulation

Hi All

I have tried many times to unsubscribe from this list but in vain.

I shouldnt be getting these emails.

Is there a way i can prevent these emails.

Please let me know.



On Thu, 04 Feb 2010 18:27:26 +0530  wrote

>On Thu, Feb 04 2010 05:51:26 +0000, wrote:

> Okay i will make you clear.


> Consider the xml





>       Category

>       Noodles

>       Pizza




>         Fat

>         aaaa





>         Fat

>         hgjhgk







> Consider the xsl:fo







Use proportional-column-width [1]:





As Aish pointed out, you don't have  or  elements in your



> I am attaching the output file


> Table.doc 



> Hope this would be clear.

That does make it clearer, thank you.

Your XML doesn't make it easy to achieve what you want since  is

separate from the rest of the information for an ingredient.

To "wrap" (or maybe "split") the table, it would be simplest if you used

XSLT 2.0 so you could use xsl:for-each-group [2]. E.g.,:




Received on Thursday, 4 February 2010 13:06:00 UTC