Re: fo:block with no break

2009/1/22  <>:
> "If the formatter finds that a quantity of the flow wrapped in a
> keep-together= does not fit on a page, the constructs are moved to the top
> of the next page."
> Question:  If it turns out the quantity of flow does not fully fit on the
> next page, then the keep must be broken (unless set to 'always', then you
> have overflow).  By breaking this 'keep', does the flow start on the
> original page, or the secondary page?  I am getting it on the second page,
> but would want it to start on the original page.
> Thanks,
> Mark

~Strikes me you're trying to fit too much on a page?
I.e. you fix it, don't blame the engine?

Then try various values for the keep strength. lower number will break easier


Dave Pawson
Docbook FAQ.

Received on Friday, 23 January 2009 08:46:29 UTC