- From: Leon Mondejar, Manuel <manuel.leon@tradyso.com>
- Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 16:10:59 +0100
- To: <www-xsl-fo@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <ED7343E8FB4AE445AC16D7D75349C3B92B10C1@LASPALMEXCSV.solmelia.corp>
Hello, I'm ussing fop library (specifically fop-0.20.5-2004-10-20.jar). The issue is the following: When i try to render a xml file into a pdf file, and the source file (xml file) Is longer than (more or less) 1 MB, the pdf render process blocks himself, at the instrucción driver.render((Document)domResultado.getNode()) and, after a large amount Of time, i have an Failure of server APACHE bridge on my jsp file that called the render process. Rendering another files like html files works without any problem. What happens? Any help? Althoug i get the error above, the rendering process of the pdf file continues enternely, it's very slowy. Much of times, i finally get the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError and the server get down. Why? Thanks. Greetings. ADVERTENCIA ESTE CORREO ELECTRÓNICO CONTIENE INFORMACIÓN ESTRICTAMENTE CONFIDENCIAL. Si usted no es el destinatario del presente mensaje, no está autorizado a leerlo, reternerlo o difundirlo. Para acceder a la cláusula de privacidad completa pulse aquí. WARNING THIS E-MAIL IS PRIVILEGED AND CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. Any reading, retention, distribution or copying of this communication by any person other that its intended recipient is prohibited. In order to read its privacy policy click here. Disclaimer Tradyso.
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Received on Wednesday, 18 June 2008 16:00:39 UTC