Re: Table end line do not appear in the continued page

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 11:12 AM, bilal ilyas <>

>  Hi,
>  To resolve the problem just add an empty footer to the table,
> <fo:table-footer>
> </fo:table-footer>
> this will make the bottom border to bisplay at each page break
>   On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 1:48 AM, Tony Graham <
>> wrote:
>> On Sat, Jul 19 2008 08:55:48 +0100, wrote:
>> > I am trying to draw a table. every thing is working fine. but the issue
>> is that
>> > if i give the cell border="0pt" and do not give any other border. to row
>> or
>> > column. now the issue is that when one page is filled with the data the
>> last
>> > line is not drawn and the table continues to the next page until the
>> last page
>> > comes. at the last page this table is closed and the end line is drawn.
>> what i
>> > want is to close the table in all the pages and continue filling the
>> data to
>> > the next pages. howz its possible?
>> You don't provide much to go on.  'border="0pt"' should have no effect
>> anyway since you don't set the style, and the default border style is
>> 'none'.
>> You don't say which XSL formatter you are using.  If your formatter
>> supports it, you could try border-collapse="collapse-with-precedence"
>> [3] on your fo:table so the table's border has precedence (though you
>> also don't say what border you are using on the table).
>> Table borders at page breaks is not completely defined in XSL 1.1, not
>> least because XSL 1.0 table processing tried for compatibility with
>> CSS2, and CSS2 doesn't say anything about table borders at page breaks
>> A similar question to [1] received the response [2]
>> that it wasn't possible to modify XSL 1.0 or 1.1 to more fully specify
>> the expected results since, whatever would be specified, the extra
>> detail would make some of the existing implementations become
>> non-compliant.  The response notes that for XSL 2.0 the WG has decided
>> to rewrite the text of the table formatting objects to be independent of
>> the CSS2 Recommendation.
>> There's also a section about this in the current XSL 2.0 Requirements
>> draft [4].  As always, highlighting that you need this functionality by
>> mentioning it when you fill out the requirements survey [5] or using the
>> W3C Bugzilla system [6] would let the Working Group know that this
>> feature would be important to people.
>> Regards,
>> Tony Graham               
>> Director                                  W3C XSL FO SG Invited Expert
>> Menteith Consulting Ltd
>> XML, XSL and XSLT consulting, programming and training
>> Registered Office: 13 Kelly's Bay Beach, Skerries, Co. Dublin, Ireland
>> Registered in Ireland - No. 428599
>>  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --
>> xmlroff XSL Formatter                     
>> xslide Emacs mode        
>> Unicode: A Primer                               urn:isbn:0-7645-4625-2
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> [4]
>> [5]
>> [6]
> --
> Regards,
> Bilal Ilyas

Bilal Ilyas

Received on Monday, 21 July 2008 08:07:46 UTC