Antwort: Re: [xsl-fo] : Does FO support reusable style definition, similar to CSS?

Hi Sol & -ml-,

that's truly the right way  to do it. If you want some more code savings 
and ease of maintenance
you additionally may define and use some variables as for instance:

             <xsl:variable name="bigfont">20pt</xsl:variable>
             <xsl:variable name="smallfont">13pt</xsl:variable>

                 <xsl:template match="heading">
                                 <fo:block font-size="{$bigfont}">

                 <xsl:template match="content">
                                 <fo:block font-size="{$smallfont}">

If you like, put all the variables you need in an extra xsl-document, 
which you than can import in
a lot of other stylesheets.

Regards / Olaf schrieb am 05.07.2007 20:50:42:

> Hi Sol,
> On Jul 4, 2007, at 12:45 PM, sol myr wrote:
> > Newbie question, please:
> > Does FO support 'reusable formatting' definitions, similar to CSS 
> > "Class" ?
> > For example, suppose I have a document with 2 types of text:
> > - Heading, using font size 20pt
> > - Content, using font size 13pt
> >
> > So , a naiive approach produces this page:
> > <fo:block font-size="20pt"> Some Heading  </fo:block>
> > <fo:block font-size="13pt"> Some content...  </fo:block>
> > <fo:block font-size="20pt"> More Heading  </fo:block>
> > <fo:block font-size="13pt"> More content...  </fo:block>
> >
> >
> > But this is difficult to maintain (e.g if I change  my mind and 
> > want all headings to be 25pt).
> > Is there a better way ? Does FO support something like the 'Class' 
> > notion of CSS , so that you declare that 'MyHeading' means 'font size 
> > of 20', and from now on use it, something like:
> >  <fo:block class='MyHeading'>
> You need to shift your thinking :-)
> HTML is a document language.  XSL-FO is not.  It's a layout language, 
> which is something completely different.  You're not meant to write 
> documents in XSL-FO.  The idea with XSL is that you are supposed to use 
> XSLT and XSL-FO together.  So instead of necessarily using a predefined 
> document language like HTML, you write your document in whatever XML 
> vocabulary suits your task, and then use XSLT transforms to translate 
> that into XSL-FO, which is an XML layout language.  In XSL-FO there is 
> no "formatting properties language" like CSS (with hooks in the 
> document language to trigger the properties... like "class" and "id" 
> attributes), because there's no need for one in the way XSLT-FO is 
> meant to be used.
> So to take up your example, the source document might contain markup 
> like this:
>    <heading>blah blah blah... </heading>
>    <content>blah blah blah... </content>
>    <heading>blah blah blah... </heading>
>    <content>blah blah blah... </content>
> ...which is very easy to maintain.  Your XSLT stylesheet might contain:
>    <xsl:template match="heading">
>       <fo:block font-size="20pt">
>          <xsl:apply-templates/>
>       </fo:block>
>    </xsl:template>
>    <xsl:template match="content">
>       <fo:block font-size="13pt">
>          <xsl:apply-templates/>
>       </fo:block>
>    </xsl:template>
> ...which is also very easy to maintain.
> Running the source document through the XSLT stylesheet produces the 
> XSL-FO source like in your example, which you quite rightly do not have 
> to maintain by hand!
> cheers,
> —ml—

Received on Friday, 6 July 2007 07:46:00 UTC