Displaying eps images with Apache FOP 0.93


 Hi all,


I'm trying from a while to display some eps images in a pdf book, but

actually what happens is only like embedding them - it appears a blank space

with different dimensions, where the images are supposed to be.


And then I read this



FOP provides support for two output targets:

*	PostScript (full support).
*	PDF (partial support). Due to the lack of a built-in PostScript
interpreter, FOP can only embed the EPS file into the PDF. Acrobat Reader
will not currently display the EPS (it doesn't have a PostScript
interpreter, either) but it will be shown correctly when you print the PDF
on a PostScript-capable printer. PostScript devices (including GhostScript)
will render the EPS correctly. 

Other output targets can't be supported at the moment because FOP lacks a
PostScript interpreter. Furthermore, FOP is not able to parse the preview
bitmaps sometimes contained in EPS files. 



So, it's not possible to achieve what I'm trying, regarding to above
mentioned. Am I right ?

As a workaround the only one I  got in mind is to convert eps images to gif,

I will appreciate any suggestions, comments, help on the topic.

Thanks in advance.


Received on Thursday, 2 August 2007 07:01:43 UTC