Javascript Question

Hello - 
I am attempting to use xsl:value-of in one of my javascripts inside a page
and it is not replacing the value correctly...
I have functions defined at the top of my xsl, and in the actual template I
am matching, I want to execute some arbitrary code:
<SCRIPT>root.addChildToParent('<xsl:value-of select="@NAME"/>', new
rowtree('<xsl:value-of select="parent::@NAME"/>',true));</SCRIPT>
basically I am trying to call a function that takes the (attr) name of the
current element, and an object which is being created in the function call,
also using the (attr) name of the element.
I can't get xsl to replace "<xsl:value-of select="@NAME"/>" with the actual
value as it processes....
Does anyone have any experience with this?  I have seen multiple examples of
using the <xsl:attribute id="blah"></xsl:attribute> to get values for
attributes to be set, but the trouble is what I need the text of the
<SCRIPT> element to be set and the replacements to be made...
I appreciate any help, thank you.

Eric Sandegren

Received on Thursday, 2 October 2003 10:13:22 UTC