Re: writing over tables

At 2003-03-21 10:05 +0100, wrote:
>I have a table in a two columns page PDF document. I use the attribut span
>="all" on the table.
>When I generate my document, the table is placed correctly in the page.
>The text which follows it starts in the first column thereafter, is written
>in the second over the table.

The behaviour you witness is the behaviour described by the 
Recommendation.  Columns are balanced before an area with span="all" 
because of the underlying structure of nested areas 

>The good behaviour would be written in the second column following the
>Do you know how can I correct this problem ?

It is not a "problem", it is an issue of what is specified.  What did you 
read in the Recommendation to indicate that it was a problem of implementation?

If you wish to request new functionality in the Recommendation write to to plead your case with real-world requirements they can 
consider for a future version.

.................... Ken

Upcoming hands-on in-depth XSLT/XPath and/or XSL-FO
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G. Ken Holman      
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Received on Friday, 21 March 2003 07:37:25 UTC