Faxing FO to PDFs with Embedded Fonts


I am trying to fax PDFs via Hylafax (possibly using Ghostscript 6.51).

The PDFs are created using a command line to convert an FO file. The XSL
uses the Avenir font family.

Please note that I have registered the fonts within FOP.

This is the command line that is similar to what I am using:
java -cp
ib\xalan.jar org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.PFMReader pfm-file xml-file

Unfortunately, any PDFs containing 'embedded' fonts do not fax.

I have compared two PDFs in Adobe Acrobat that both contain embedded Avenir
fonts, one created using my FOP commands and one externally.

PDF		Original Font	Type		Encoding	Actual Font
FOP		AvenirLT-Light	Type 1		Windows	Embedded
External		Avenir Light	Type 1		MacRoman	Embedded Subset

It looks as if the MacRoman encoding and Embedded Subset values are what
enables me to fax the PDFs.

Does anyone know how I can get my Apache FOP etc to change embedded font to
an embedded subset?

This is one of the main links I have been using as a resource:

You will notice that there is a statement:
Note - The font is simply embedded into the PDF file, it is not converted.

Perhaps this has something to do with my problem?

Received on Wednesday, 19 March 2003 23:11:19 UTC