Re: Subtotaling on columns


Off the top of my head, from the context of PriceDiscrepancy:

<xsl:value-of select="sum(Customer/ChangeAmount)"/>

But I am struck by the way you've structured your selections.  I have a hard
time imagining that this stylesheet is doing quite what you want.  Shouldn't you
have a single for-each statement which wraps your table-row and make value-of
selections within that context?  Better still might be an apply-templates on
Customer, but that is just my style.

Also, I don't see you using your key anywhere.  It would appear to be a bootless
construction, unless you aren't showing the whole stylesheet.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Yoshida, Ken" <>

> I would like to have a subtotal at the end of my document.  How do I do
> that?  Here is the code I currently have:

Received on Friday, 11 July 2003 12:37:39 UTC