- From: NEAGOE Florin <Florin.NEAGOE@gefco.fr>
- Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 11:18:13 +0200
- To: "W3C (E-mail)" <www-xsl-fo@w3.org>
Hello, I have a .xml file and a .xsl file and I want to generate a .TXT file. I use FOP in command line. I have a probleme with all spaces. For example if I have into my .xml file : <Name>John Due</Name>, so beetwen "John" and "Due" I have 1 space, into the generated .txt file I have "John Due", that meens 5 spaces. Another probleme: If I want to put a space,  , where <!ENTITY nbsp  >, I have into .txt file 2 or 3 spaces. Plese, tell me a solution for all my problemes Regards, Florin
Received on Tuesday, 8 July 2003 05:18:41 UTC