svg image is to large and hence truncated when converted to pdf

Hi all,

I am currently using xsl/svg to transform an xml file into svg report 
graphs.  The result is an

svg image(file) that has 1 or more graphs stacked above one another 
depending upon the data in

the xml file. Like a vertical list of graphs.  I would like to export this 
xsl/svg output (svg

graphs) to pdf format but when I attempted this the pdf file comes out with 
only 1 page which

is the very top of the svg image?

Is there anyway of using xsl:fo so that if the svg image's height is like 
2000 pixels high the

pdf conversion would recognise that the first 600pixels would be page 1 and 
the next 600pixels

would be page 2 and so on?

simple analogy:

XML file:


XSL/SVG file:

<xsl:template name="2pageExample">
   <xsl:param name="counter" select="0"/>
   <xsl:param name="max" select="100"/>

   <svg:text x="50" style="fill:rgb(0,0,0)">
      <xsl:attribute name="y">
         <xsl:value-of select="$counter*20 + 50"/>

   <xsl:if test="$counter != $max">
     <xsl:call-template name="2pageExample">
       <xsl:with-param name="counter" select="$counter + 1"/>
       <xsl:with-param name="max" select="$max"/>

This would print out "Blah" text 101 times, creating a list of Blah text 
that spans over an

equivalent of 2 pdf pages.

Now when I apply

           <svg:svg width="550" height="660">
                <xsl:call-template name="2pageExample"/>

I get one pdf page with the an incomplete list of blah text...

I've tried <fo:external-graphics> which produces a two page pdf file but 
page 1 is blank and

the list of Blah text starts on page 2 and then gets truncated.

I've tried placing it in <fo:tables> but it only works with normal text and 
not svg generated

text file.

Any sort of assistance or sugguestions would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.



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