"fo:external-graphic" with "xsl:value-of select="image_url" on windows and Unix

Hello All Friends,

    Our XSL is to generate dynamic PDF using XML data.  In PDF we also insert a logo image using "fo:external-graphic" with "xsl:value-of select="image_url".  The segment of code is as following:

                             <xsl:element name="fo:external-graphic">
                               <xsl:attribute name="src">
                                 <xsl:value-of select="imgurl"/>/zenith.gif
                                <xsl:attribute name="content-width">250px</xsl:attribute>
                                <xsl:attribute name="content-height">80px</xsl:attribute>
                                <xsl:attribute name="width">250px</xsl:attribute>
                                <xsl:attribute name="height">80px</xsl:attribute>

It works fine on win2k and NT.  However, it doest not work on Unix.  The process does not give any message, just ignore the ="fo:external-graphic" and generate the PDF without the logo image.
    It is highly appreciated if any body has any suggestion and / or advice.


Received on Friday, 27 September 2002 03:26:30 UTC