Re: Page X of Y

On Mon, 16 Sep 2002, Al-Dhahir, Haitham wrote:

> I have a multi-page document, and on each page I'd like to display the page
> number. However, I want to display this in the form:
> Page X of Y

<fo:block>Page <fo:page-number/> of
<fo:page-number-citation ref-id="endofdoc"/></fo:block>

And place an empty block labled "endofdoc" at the end of the content of
the document like so:

<fo:block id="endofdoc"/>

> A follow-up question: if I have a two-page document, and I want the page
> number to be displayed in a different position on the second page than it is
> on the first page, how can I achieve this?

The following article contains an nice discussion of how to accomplish
this.  You'll use fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives:

> Many thanks,

Many welcomes.

Mike Haarman

Received on Monday, 16 September 2002 12:44:45 UTC