Re: FO preprocessor wrote:

> I'm writing some kind of "merge" preprocessor for a FO
> document.
> The FO document would contain XML tags from a new namespace
> (the mrg namespace) melted with the actual content.
> The merge preprocessor would generate a new FO document
> with FO tags and content untouched but would process mrg
> tags for instance by querying a database.
> Question would be: experienced FO guys would say that this
> is a good approach?

Why not? That's all happens on xsl transformation stage and who said it should 
be a trivial one? Transform your source as you wish, just make sure at the end 
you are producing valid result tree.

Oleg Tkachenko
eXperanto team
Multiconn Technologies, Israel

Received on Tuesday, 29 October 2002 10:38:06 UTC