Re: Pagination of original documents


The response on was an interesting idea; thanks for
the link.  I appreciate the difficulty presented by the intersection of
nineteenth century legal requirements and twenty-first century technology.

Are you matching pagination of original source material or does the document
*blueline* at a certain point, beyond which pagination is fixed?  Is there a
requirement to maintain page numbers when depth of content would otherwise
force pagination?

I have in the past built pages of absurd depth and used an element to key

<page-break sequence="12"/>

If pagination of the source must be honored, the element can be introduced
at the time the XML is originally generated/converted.  This element can be
caught by an XSLT template and generate an appropriate fo:block kicking a
page and setting a page number directly.

If it is the case that the document bluelines and pagination must then
freeze, some fairly heavy duty hacking is called for.  There is not yet a
mechanism for the formatting objects processor to *talk back* to the source
document.  The referenced post to fop-users probably represents a decent
start toward a solution.  The alternative is to manually walk through the
source with the bluelined version and introducing pagination elements by


----- Original Message -----
From: "Matthias Brunner" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 9:35 AM
Subject: Pagination of original documents

> Hello,
> I posted this message two month ago to
> Unfortunately, the solution proposed back then is not suitable for
> our problem. Additionally I think that this is more a XSL-FO problem
> than a FOP one.
> We are developing an editing system for parliament session minutes.
> The documents are initially edited in XML and then converted into
> PDF with FOP (at least we plan to).
> Unfortunately, we cannot separate content and presentation
> completely, because the authorative version of the minutes will be
> printed and the page number will be the only valid reference to
> certain positions.
> Therefore, we need to get the page numbers back into the original XML
> documents so that the pages cannot swap any more after a "fixation
> point" in the editing process (but can still be edited in a
> restricted way) and searches in electronic documents are able to
> return the page numbers (since they are the only valid and useful
> references in parliamentary discussion).
> This could probably achieved by scanning the xml area tree but this
> method seems to be somewhat error-prone.
> Having some "page break listener" which gets the currently processed
> DOM node of the original document and adds a " page break element"
> to it seems more reasonable. Yet I do not know enough about the
> internal architecture of Fop (or any other xsl-fo transformer).
> Maybe someone could give me a hint where to start or whether there is
> a better way to do this (ideally without writing code :)?
> Or has anyone done something like this before?
> Any helpful replies would be greatly appreciated.
> --
> Matthias Brunner <>
> PGP FP 7862 32B3 3B75 292A F76F  5042 8587 21AB 5B89 D501
> Check out

Received on Tuesday, 19 November 2002 11:35:10 UTC