Re: Complex Page Numbering

At 09:55 2002 11 07 +0000, Kiki AMEDJA wrote:

>I had the same kind of problem. Of course xsl-fo can do it quite easily:
>You need to have one simple-page-master for the first page and one for the rest of the chapter.Like:
><fo:simple-page-master master-name="first"
>   page-height="185mm"
>   page-width="120mm"
>   margin-left="20mm"
>   margin-right="20mm"
>   >
>   <fo:region-body  extent="135mm" margin-bottom="20mm" margin-top="20mm"/>
><fo:simple-page-master master-name="rest"
>   page-height="185mm"
>   page-width="120mm"
>   margin-left="20mm"
>   margin-right="20mm"
>   >
>   <fo:region-body  extent="135mm" margin-bottom="20mm" margin-top="20mm"/>
>   <fo:region-after extent="20mm"  />
>and then you'll have as page sequence master something like
><fo:page-sequence-master master-name="sequence-texte">
>   <fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives>
>   <fo:conditional-page-master-reference page-position="first" master-reference="first"/>
>   <fo:conditional-page-master-reference page-position="rest"  
>   </fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives>

The idea above is correct, but I have a few comments on the details.

While the above page-sequence-master is valid, it is awkward (and might
not work will all implementations).  If you want one page model for the 
first page and another for the rest, then you aren't really providing 
alternatives, just one reference for the first page and another for
the rest.

So a simpler, more logical page-sequence-master would be:

<fo:page-sequence-master master-name="sequence-texte">
   <fo:single-page-master-reference master-reference="first"/>
   <fo:repeatable-page-master-reference master-reference="rest"/>

Note that maximum-repeats on fo:repeatable-page-master-reference
defaults to "no-limit".

Also, note that extent is not a property allowed on fo:region-body.


Received on Thursday, 7 November 2002 09:41:30 UTC