external graphics and Classpath


I have integrated FOP in an existing JAVA-Application and it works well.

In my XML-Sources I reference some external graphics ( logos, etc.),
which I would like to devliever within the jar-File(s) of the application.

So in my XML-Source I may have something like:

            <logo src="url('/images/logo.gif')" />
and in my stylesheet this leads to:

            <xsl:template match="logo">
                <fo:block text-align="center">
                               <xsl:apply-templates />
                               <fo:external-graphic height="1.2cm" 
src="{@src}" />

So I would like to have the image in an relative path "/images/logo.gif"
in my jar-File. 

If that is not possible, at least in an relative path in the file system.

But I alway get the message: "... not found, ... basedir is not set" ..... 
How can I do that

Can anybody help ??



Olaf Wentzien

EMail:     olaf.wentzien@ppi.de
WWW:   www.ppi.de
Tel.:        040 / 22 74 33 - 343
FAX:       040 / 22 74 33 - 320
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Received on Wednesday, 6 November 2002 04:58:05 UTC