<space> + <length> ???

Hi all,

I'm new to this mailing list. I'm Eric Bischoff, from France, and I'm involved 
in several open source projects, including xsl-fo-proc.

As Arved said it here, we are currently wondering whether
	space-before="inherited-property-value() + 3pt"
is legal, i.e.
	<space>="<space> + <length>"

I'd like to add that the problem is even more generic. Examples:

	space-before="inherited-property-value() * 2"
	space-before="min(inherited-property-value(), 1cm)"

In more formal words:

	<space>="<space> * <numeric>"
	<space>="min(<space>, <length>)"
	<space>="min(<space>, <space>)"

and so on.

All of these combinations could be generated by some style sheet with some 
purpose. As Arved said, the XSL-FO specification does not seem to mention any 
of these in the examples, but the explanation texts seem to open the door to 
such combinations.

Éric Bischoff

Received on Friday, 28 June 2002 06:10:24 UTC