RE: <br> in fo?

>That kind of thing is effectively a block-level delineation, so strictly
>you're describing the junction between two blocks.

I agree that having multiple blocks instead of trying to do inline break
statements is the best way to go.  HTMLers will have to get used to the

And what about controlling the whitespace between blocks.  Yes you could use
<block/> but what about a non HTML solution?   You could do it like
<fo:block whitespace-collapse="false">&#10;</fo:block>, but it seems to me
that whitespace-collapse should preserve data that's already formatted i.e.

<fo:block whitespace-collapse="false"><xsl:value-of

 not as a XSL workaround.  Plus, using by unsetting whitespace-collapse, the
XSL starts to get ugly, i.e.

		<fo:block whitespace-collapse="false">A long sentence looks
better indented on the next line 
but still wants to have manual line breaks 
to break up the sentence

is not as readable as

			A long sentence looks better indented on the next
line <fo:block/>
			but still wants to have manual line breaks
			to break up the sentence <fo:block/>

Yes you could replace the <fo:block/> with <fo:block
whitespace-collapse="false">&#10;</fo:block>, but that seems needlessly
verbose.  Maybe I should move this to the dev list.

Any comments?


> ----------
> From: 	Ian Tindale[]
> Sent: 	Thursday, June 20, 2002 8:05 AM
> To:
> Subject: 	RE: <br> in fo?
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: [] On
> > Behalf Of Julia
> > Sent: 20 June 2002 12:32
> > To:
> > Subject: <br> in fo?
> > 
> > I am an "old" html-coder, now confronted with fo. I am really doing
> > well, but I can't find the equivalent of <br /> in fo (I simply need a
> > new line!)...
> That kind of thing is effectively a block-level delineation, so strictly
> speaking, you're describing the junction between two blocks.
> Ian Tindale

Received on Thursday, 20 June 2002 09:10:08 UTC