RE: Truncating table values

Srinivas, thanks for the suggestion but I've already tried that. It just makes the whole cell contents (as opposed to just the long words) overflow into the next column. Of course this may be a FOP deficiency that will be fixed in a later version.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nandina Srinivas []
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 13:10
To: Ruane, Conleth
Subject: Re: Truncating table values


There is something called wrap-option property in fo:block.
Try to set  wrap-option= no-wrap.
May be it will work.
You can find more complete information at the link below.


Ruane, Conleth wrote:

>Hi all.
>I'm trying to generate a table with fixed column width where data can be expected to be sometimes too long for the cell. As long as the individual words of the value are shorter than the column width the text is wrapped, (I'd prefer to truncate it but I can live with wrapping) but if any words of the text are longer than the column width those words overflow into the next column. I've tried playing with various attributes at column, cell and block level but I can't get the output I want.
>Has anyone got any ideas?
>I'm using the latest version of FOP.
>Conleth Ruane
>Telephone: +49-89-9392-4393

Received on Thursday, 6 June 2002 10:04:51 UTC