Re: tables in XSL

At 10:57 10/07/2002 +0200, you wrote:
>hi kim,
>i have problems with tables and footers in xsl, too.
>i am sorry, that i can't help you with your problem.
>did you ever make something like this:?
>Footer (one row ore more, depends on the company)
>table continued
>Footer (the same footer as on the first page)
>and so on, could be many pages, but there must be this footer on every page.
>when i create a table in xsl, the table will be finished first and then, may
>be on the
>third page, my footer will be written. thats not what i like to have.
>thanks if you know any help ore other resources which can help me !

Yes, this is the situation I have now. I have a fixed footer & header on 
each page. Have a look at the attached example.

As you will see, the header contains the page-number. If a table is larger 
than 1 page, then it will overflow to the next one....however each page 
will contain the fixed header and footer


>Jan Kirmse
>SNetLine GmbH
>Tel.: 0431/ 64738-31

Received on Thursday, 11 July 2002 14:31:40 UTC