"page-filling" table?

Hello all,

I am trying to do the following....but at the moment I have no solution.

I have a following page layout

-------------------------page 1---
Header (external-image)

table (part 1)

Footer (1 row table)

-------------------------page 2---
Header (external-image)

table (part 2)
table footer

Footer (1 row table)

What I would like to have is the following:
I would like to have the table on the second page to be 
"page-filling".....and at the bottom of the page (above the footer 
offcourse ;) I would like to have a summary of the complete table.. I think 
this could best be done with a table footer....

At this moment everything works except the "page-filling" table on the 
second page. So if the second part of the table only contains 2 
rows....then the subtotal of the table is printed near the top of the 

Thanks in advance for any help!!


Received on Sunday, 7 July 2002 18:06:51 UTC